Vickielee Wohlbach: Unable to stop
humming since leaving the womb, V'lee has been singing in public since she was the loudest voice in her church choir at
age 5. She stays out of trouble by working in the theatre and producing special events for non-profits - and hikes whenever
the trouble catches up anyway. Hugh Lade: Lead guitarist, retired business manager, rowing coach,
and grandpa, Hugh founded the Suspects (along with Mike and Geof) over 20 years ago. A few years of classic guitar study gave
way to electric rock and jazz when he and his then 8-year-old son started lessons at the same time. He promises to keep on
pickin' as long as Mick and Keith stay at it.
Kathie Flood: Kathie's dreams of playing
the drums started with the Partridge Family, but we let her join us anyway. We even learned "I Woke Up In Love This Morning!"
at her request. By day, she's a video game producer, but she also likes to write, play softball, and make macrame bracelets.
Geof Alm: Geof began playing bass at
age 13, after watching a Hard Day's Night, and although he wasn't screaming, a warm fuzzy feeling overtook him. "We
all got instruments for Christmas, formed a band, and, Oh Yeah, began to learn how to play!" Loved it then-Loves it now.
In his other life, he teaches actors how to go all non-violent-violent on each other. Mike Johnson: Growing up in So Cal with music and talent all around him, Mike learned to play guitar by listening to his favorites
on the radio and record albums and jamming with friends. "It only took 50 years and I'm still learning! Ain't
no reason to stop now..."